Configuring a Drill-down Documents Workflow

A drill-down workflow, allows documents to move through workflow in packets. The best example of this type of workflow is in the case of a trucking organization where drivers may have one trip envelope (primary document type) but multiple manifests (supporting document types). If such documents are processed in workflow, a drill-down workflow allows these documents to stay together through the approval process.

If a workflow has been configured to utilize the drill-down feature, you may double-click a document in workflow to see all the supporting documents associated with the selected document also in workflow.

A second workflow window appears labeled 'drill-down' and is populated with the selected or primary, document and its supporting documents. You can display a document by clicking on that row in the grid. The document opens in the viewer, alongside the Workflow window. Any property fields that are white can be edited, and if configured to be numerical fields, will total up in the row containing the primary document.

A drill-down workflow window differs from a supporting documents workflow in several ways:

  1. The drill-down window allows for editing and numeric calculations.
  2. In a drill-down workflow, different documents are configured to move statuses only in packets.
  3. The supporting documents window displays search results based on key properties only. You cannot move documents to another status, edit, etc.
Workflow Manager Options

To enable the drill-down workflow feature, click a workflow and select True for the Allow Drill Down option.

Workflow Document Types

Expand the selected workflow. Then expand the Document Types node and highlight a document type. In the Properties window, an additional option can be set:

  1. Is Primary - Select a document type as the primary, or main, document type for this workflow. Only one document type can be selected as the primary per drill-down workflow and the primary document type is commonly the same as the default document type.

This setting is specific to drill-down workflows only.

Since one document type must be selected as the Primary Document Type, the first document type in the list will default to 'True'. If there are multiple document types and you set them all to 'False', the first document type listed will revert back to 'True' when the Workflow Manager is reopened unless another document types is selected as the Primary.

Workflow Properties

Expand the selected workflow. Then expand the Properties node and highlight a property. In the Properties window, two additional options can be set:

  1. Can Edit - If this option is selected as True, the user to be able to edit this property in the drill-down workflow.
  2. Save Total - If this option is selected as True, the drill-down workflow will total the values for this field to the primary document type.
Workflow Statuses

Expand the selected workflow. Then expand the Statuses node and highlight a property. In the Properties window, two additional options can be set:

  1. Complete Drill-down Status - Set to True if users will be able to send individual documents in a drill-down when in this status.
  2. Sorting - Select either Ascending or Descending. Documents will be sorted in the order specified by document type for this drill-down workflow.

Editing a Workflow