Configuring Message Template Options

Message template options allow you to specify publishing and spell checker options.

  1. In Publish file location, browse to a created folder share and specify that folder here. This location will be used when publishing documents from the Home tab of the Template Manager.
  2. In Dictionary file location, ensure the default pathway has been set to C:\Program Files (x86)\Altec\AppLauncher\3.2.xx.x\Dictionary.
  3. In Dictionary Language, choose the dictionary language to be used when using the spell checker. By default, English (United States) is selected. Use the drop-down menu to view and select other languages for spell checker.
  4. Click OK to accept changes and go back to the Template Manager.

If you move the Publish file location, you will need to update the user-created template location in the database. Refer to the Moving the Publish File Location for detailed information.

Create a New Template