Configure Document Processing - General Tab

Enable for Document Types

Document Types – This section lists all document types available in doc-link. Using the arrow buttons, you can move these to the Selected Document Types section to enable.

Selected Document Types – This section lists the document types that the Smart Form will match on during its initial search. Using the arrow buttons you can move these to the Document Types section to disable functionality.


Allows you to create a search of document types based on the matching "Selected Document Types" from above.

Add – Allows you to add an inquiry to the list.

Edit – Allows you to modify an existing inquiry. Choosing Edit will open the Inquiry Edit window.

Delete – Removes a selected inquiry from the list.

IMPORTANT TO KNOW: When configuring attachments for a processing smart form, the Inquiries on this screen can be left blank.

Example: A user creates an expense report, using a document creation smart form, with attachments and sends it to their manager. The manager reviews the document via a document processing smart form. Once approved, the expense report is sent to an AP approver for import into the business application via the GL smart form.

Detail Section

Rows Displayed – This setting refers to how many rows are visible in the details section search grid before a scroll bar appears.

Configure Document Processing Plug-in

Inquiry Edit

Configure Document Processing - Attachments Tab