The Attachments tab allows for the configuration of indexing additional documents to a smart form, either from the doc-link repository or from a location on the local computer or a network folder. Check the Can View Attachments box to enable this feature.
Index Attachments as - Use this drop-down list to specify a document type to be created when attachments are added with the originating document. On creation, the attachment is saved and indexed with the property value(s) common to both document types.
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IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Any document that is configured to be an attached document must not contain any property groups. Example: An Expense Report smart form may contain multiple receipts. Receipts are associated with the Expense Report document through matching key properties, but can be filtered to display on a per detail line basis. The presence of property groups on the Receipts interferes with this logic. |
Get Attachments Inquiry – The search criteria defined in this window is used to associate the correct attachments to the smart form.
Inquiry Name – Enter a name to uniquely identify the inquiry.
Document Types – Lists all the available document types in doc-link. Use the arrow buttons to move selected document types to the Document Types to Search section.
Document Types to Search – This section lists all document types to search on when in a smart form of the originating "Selected Document Type" from the General tab.
Filter Properties – Filtering properties allows you to match "Selected" and "Searched on" document types by common properties. Design the filtering to be relevant to what you need returned. The properties should exist on the header of the smart form and be unique.
Property - Displays a list of all master properties in doc-link.
Smart Form Field - Displays a list of all smart form fields.
Add/Remove – Use these buttons to add/remove filter property rows from the grid.
Can attach from existing doc-link documents – Allows you to search documents indexed into the repository. This option requires an additional inquiry to return documents based on the selected inquiry criteria. Click the ellipsis button under Document Import Inquiry to open the Inquiry Edit dialog.
**NOTE**: Configure the Document Import Inquiry for the document types only.
Import attachment properties as new line item values – Enables the user to add detail lines to the smart form without entering any data into the form. This only applies to documents that are currently indexed into the doc-link repository.
Can attach files from the file system – Allows the user to search for documents located on the workstation or a network location. Once the are attached and the smart form is saved, then will be indexed into doc-link as the document type selected in the Index Attachments as drop-down list.
Can attach document at the header level – Allows the user to attach documents to the smart form header. This is useful in scenarios where the attachment is not specific to any detail lines.
Example: in the case of a job/work order smart form, the user may attach before and after photos of a job to the header. Other examples include:
Combine imported documents with the created document(s) in a single pdf – When this option is enabled, any PDF or TIFF image file imported into doc-link will be attached to the end of the current document. All other imported file types will be listed on a page at the very end of the document with detailed information. This page is referred to as the 'attachment page'.
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IMPORTANT TO KNOW: Take caution when attempting to import files that cannot be combined with the current document.
Configure Document Processing Plug-in
Configure Document Processing - General Tab
Configure Document Processing - Display Tab