Configure Auditing
- Auditing is configured from doc-link System
Settings. On the Administration tab, click on the System Settings
tile, then go to Audit > General.
- To enable Auditing check the corresponding box.
- To set the time of day to purge records, check
the corresponding box. To select how long to keep records is configured
from the Audit > Document Profiles options.
- To capture the recipient email addresses of audited
email, you must check the corresponding box to use the doc-link
email client and not the system default email client. Checking this
option means that outgoing 'on demand' email will not use your company's
default email client (for example, Microsoft Outlook). Email will
be sent via the doc-link Email client. If you do not want to
audit email recipients do not check this box.
- Configure Auditing for user login attempts and
lockouts. Skip these options if you do not wish to track user logins.
- Click User Logins from the folder
- Check the corresponding boxes:
- If you wish to audit successful user log
in and out attempts.
- If you wish to audit login failures.
- Select how frequently login records should
be purged.
- Configure Auditing tracking defaults.
- Default Document Audit Profile – select
document actions to track for All document types. This
default configuration applies to all documents unless an exception
profile is configured.
- From the list select the document action
you wish to monitor. As you highlight each action a description
is displayed explaining the behavior that will be tracked.
- Use the Select All or Unselect
All buttons to make configuration easier.
- Check the Purge audit record after
XX days option and select how frequently audit records
should be purged from the database.
- Exceptions – select document actions to
track for selected document types only.
Listed on this screen are all auditing exception profiles currently
configured for doc-link. Exception profiles are auditing
instructions that are assigned to specific document types. These
instructions are used in place of the default profile when auditing
documents of the specified type.
- Click the Add... button to create
a new profile. The Configure Exception Profile screen will
- Enter/change Profile Name.
- Select the appropriate doc-link
top-level folder from the drop list. Note: this field
is user defined but commonly called Company or Entity.
- Select the Document Type from the
drop-down list you wish to assign to this profile.
- From the audit actions list, check
all activities you wish to monitor. As you highlight each
action a description is displayed explaining the behavior
that will be tracked. Use the Select All or Unselect
All buttons to make configuration easier.
- Check the Purge audit record after
XX days option and select how frequently audit records
should be purged from the database.
- Click OK to save and exit your
configuration. Your profile will display on the Document
Exception Profiles screen.
- Click the Edit... button to modify
an existing profile. The Configure Exception Profile screen
will open.
- To delete an existing profile, select the
profile and click the Remove button.
- Save and exit System Settings.
Running the doc-link
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