Assign Stamp Permissions

doc-link Administrators grant rubber stamp access via roles and then assign users to those roles. A role can explicitly grant permission to use a stamp, explicitly deny permission to use a stamp, or neither grant or deny permission to use a stamp.

Therefore, in order for a doc-link user to use a stamp:

  1. The user must be assigned to a role that specifies this specific stamp on the Stamp tab and grants permission to use the selected stamp(s) on the Permissions tab.

    - AND -

  2. The user must not be assigned to a role that specifies this specific stamp on the Stamp tab and denies permission to use the selected stamp(s) on the Permissions tab.

To assign stamp access to a role:

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Roles tile.
    1. To open a role that has already been configured, double-click the appropriate role in the detail area.

      - OR -

    2. To create a new role, click the Add button.
  2. If this is a new role, enter a Name and Description that will uniquely identify the role. !JumpID(`SYSTEMCONFIG.HLP',`Stamps_Tab')
  3. Click on the Stamps tab to associate stamps with this role.
  4. Click on the Permissions tab to grant or deny access to the selected stamps.
  5. Click on the Users tab to assign doc-link users to the role.
  6. Click the OK button to save the role.

Denying Access to a Stamp

To explicitly deny access to a stamp:

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Roles tile.
    1. To open a role that has already been configured, double-click the appropriate role in the detail area.

      - OR -

    2. To create a new role, click the Add button.
  2. Click on the Stamps tab to associate the stamp with this role.
  3. Click on the Permissions tab. Next to the Stamps permission, select the Deny check box to explicitly deny access to the selected stamp.
  4. Click on the Users tab to assign doc-link users to the role.
  5. Click OK to save the role.

Users assigned to this role will not be able to use the stamp, even if they are assigned to another role that grants permission to use the stamp.

Rubber Stamps

Delete a Rubber Stamp