Document Windows
Each document window contains buttons and menus with actions that can
be taken on each document.
- In title bar of each window, on the left is the
document type and document ID.
- On the right in the title bar are minimize, maximize,
restore, and close buttons to manage the window positions. (These
functions are not available on phone screens due to size constraints.)
- Each window can be moved by clicking on the title
bar and dragging.
Note: moving and dragging are possible only when windows are
not maximized or minimized.
- Under the title bar is a menu. On the left are
zoom in and zoom out buttons.
- If the viewer was opened from workflow, there
will be a drop-down for moving the document to the next Workflow status.
Click the down arrow to select the target Workflow status. The default
next status is already selected. Click the
button to send the document to the next workflow
- The bottom of the window is for paging. First,
Previous, Next, Last Page buttons are enabled if there are more than
one pages in the document. The current page and page count is displayed
to the right.
- You can switch between open document windows by
either clicking the title bar for the window you want to focus or
by clicking on the Document Type : Document Id button at the
bottom of the screen.
Right-most on the menu bar is a context menu for the document. The actions
available are based upon Role Permissions:
- Invert colors - Reverse the white/black
filters on the image.
- Rotate Left/Right - Rotate image around
- Delete - Delete the document. Requires
the "Delete Documents" permission.
- Print Current Image (with notes) - Print
the current image. Requires the "Output Documents" permission.
- Email Current Image - Open the email dialog
to send the current document to email. Requires the "Output Documents"
- Download Current Image - Save the current
document to disk. This will trigger a browser download. Requires the
"Output Documents" permission.
- Zoom and Zoom Presets - Zoom the image.
- Toggle Thumbnails - Show/Hide the page
thumbnails. Thumbnails provide a graphical representation of each
page of the current document.
- Toggle Annotations - Show/Hide annotations.