Import an Existing Document - Detail Lines

How to import an existing doc-link document as a new line item or browse to a file.

  1. Open a document creation Smart Form
    1. From the main Smart Client window, select the Smart Form you want to use.
    2. Select Start. The Smart Form fields will be enabled allowing you to enter data.
  2. Enter the appropriate data in the header, using the Tab key to move from field to field.
    1. If a property on the document to be imported corresponds to a field on the smart form, its value will populate the corresponding smart form field.
    2. For any field that has a lookup, press the look-up hot key configured for your stamp. Contact your system Administrator if you do not know this.
  3. Click on the Attachments button to open the Attachments viewer.
    1. If you are importing existing doc-link documents, select the Import button. A new window opens with documents to attach.
      • The documents listed here are returned based on the Document Import Inquiry configured for the Smart Form.
      • To select multiple documents at once, press and hold the 'Ctrl' key on your keyboard while selecting each document. When you are done, click OK.
    2. If you want to attach a document located in a file directory, select the Browse button. A Windows Explorer window opens for you to search and select documents.
  4. The selected documents are now listed in the viewer.
    1. Attachments from doc-link will be identified in the list with either:
      • The document type it is currently indexed as (e.g.: Expenses – New – Uploaded), or
      • If a master property is configured as the key property on the document, then the key property name & value (e.g.: Dist. Reference: Meals) will be displayed.
    2. Attachments from the file system will be identified by the name of the file (e.g.: receipt.tif)
      • Located at the bottom of the viewer, an option to Remove original file when saved is available for attachments from the file system. Checking this box deletes the file from the source. If you want to keep the file in its original location, keep this box unchecked.
  5. If you need to add more attachments, click the Create button.
  6. If you made a mistake adding an attachment, click the Remove button.

    NOTE: You may need to manually remove the detail line on the Smart Form that the attachment was associated with. To do this, place your cursor on the detail line by clicking in any field. Then select Remove on the Smart Form.

  7. After all the data has been entered click Create on the document creation Smart Form. If you wish to discard your changes, click Cancel.