doc-link Smart Client provides the ability to search and retrieve doc-link documents via an Internet connection. It utilizes a windows client application that communicates with components hosted on a web server via http. doc-link Smart Client was developed with the Microsoft .NET platform and tools.
Due to the nature of the .NET Code Access Security (CAS) permissions and their need to be configured on remote client machines to provide an automatic client update mechanism, a small ‘bootstrap’ setup must be run on each Smart Client. This setup grants maximum execution permission to .NET assemblies (dlls and exes) signed by Altec, thus allowing the Smart Client access to the file system, registry, network, and to execute native Api calls. The setup also installs the Altec.AppLauncher.exe, which communicates with the doc-link Remote Server to check for and download client updates. Because a single remote client machine may connect to many doc-link Remote Servers with different versions of the software, multiple version of the client software can exist and run side-by-side on the client machine.
Server components are hosted on a windows machine running IIS. By default two virtual directories are created: One that contains the remote application components and provides services to the client, and one that provides default web pages to download and launch doc-link Smart Client, the client components, and the bootstrap setup.
A utility application (Altec.ManifestUtility.exe) is also installed on the server that assists with management of xml files used to facility communication between the client and server, as well as settings used in the account request process.
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For complete installation instructions, see the DL30ServerInstallGuide. IIS must be installed on the Remote Server before .NET Framework is installed, see the DL30ServerInstallGuide for details. |
Creating a User Account from a doc-link Smart Client Account Request: