XML Prerequisites

  1. Sample XML file
  2. Import documents as TIFF or PDF files:
    1. (TIFF) Black and white documents should be in Group 4 compression TIFF file format
    2. (TIFF) Color documents should be in 8 bit LZW compression TIFF file format
  3. .XSL Style sheet:
    1. The sample XML file must comply with the doc-link import schema. The schema file (DocLinkXMLDocument.xsd) is located in the doc-link installation directory (<x>:\Program Files (x86)\Altec\doc-link3x).
    2. You will need to create an .XSL style sheet (XSLT Transformation File) that is used to map elements in the sample XML file to the doc-link import schema prior to processing.

Creation of the .XSL style sheet is outside the scope of doc-link. You must use an XML editor to create this file. If you need assistance Altec Professional Services can assist you with this task.

Mapping doc-link Properties to Information in the XML File