Windows Fax and Scan

Fax printer, fax client and modem access on the same machine as the Output Manager service.

  1. OS - Windows Server 2008, 2012
  2. Default TIF Viewer - Windows Photo Gallery

    If it's not already the default image viewer, you should be able to right-click on any TIF in Windows Explore, select Open With..., and choose Windows Photo Gallery to view your image.

  3. Fax Application - Windows Fax and Scan

    To enable Windows Fax and Scan: go to Server Manager > Add Roles > Next > check Fax Server and Print Services > Install

    Note that Desktop Experience must also be installed

  4. Cover Sheet location

    Custom doc-link cover sheet (doc-link.cov found in <x>:\Program Files\Altec\doc-link3X) copied to the following directory: C:\Program Data\Microsoft\WindowsNT\MSFax\Common Coverpages

What does the Recipient receive from doc-link Output Manager?