1. Requires fax client installed on same machine as the Output Manager Service.
  2. Requires installing faxapi.exe from the VSI-FAX installation media, on the machine where the Output Manager Service is installed.

    Faxapi.exe is a VSI-Fax add-on.

    In VSI-FAX 6.1, the faxapi.exe is part of the SDK setup.exe. During the SDK installation, when given a choice of which API to install, check all.

  3. The Fax Server properties must be set to the following:
    1. Fax Server: VSI-FAX
    2. Fax Server Name: <servername>:2996
      • Port number is required to be added with the server name. VSI-FAX uses TCP port 2996 to communicate with the fax server.

        Example: dl31appsvr:2996

    3. Fax Login ID: vsifax (i.e. - default VSI-FAX administrator account)
  4. Alternatively, a new user can be setup in VSI-FAX to be used for the Fax Login ID, however the Login ID should be part of the 'Supervisor' or 'Administrator' group in VSI-FAX.