Enter User Information

If the New User Wizard is opened from the Account Requests tile, screens will be pre-populated with information entered in an account request from the doc-link Smart Client, Web Client or LDAP Authentication.

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Users tile.
  2. To create a new user, click the Add button.
  3. The New User Wizard opens. The wizard will open to the Welcome screen, if you do not wish to see this screen the next time you open the Wizard, check the corresponding box.
  4. Click Next to continue.
  5. On the User Account screen, enter the following information. If the account originated from the Manage Account Request screen, some values will pre-populate:
    1. Enter the Login ID of the new user. The login ID must be between 1 and 25 characters long and cannot be left blank and is not case sensitive.
    2. Enter the Full Name of the user. This name can be up to 100 characters long and cannot be left blank. This name will be displayed in the user list.
    3. Enter a Description for this user account. This field is optional and may be up to 255 characters long.
    4. The Use LDAP Authentication option is checked automatically if LDAP is configured otherwise it will be grayed out.
    5. The LDAP Path will display the Active directory's user or group object associated with this doc-link user.
    6. Enter the Password. Disabled if using LDAP. The password is case sensitive.
    7. You must enter the Password a second time to confirm the password’s accuracy.
    8. Do not select the Account Disabled check box unless you want to stop the user from utilizing doc-link.
  6. Click Next to continue. The Additional Details screen opens:
    1. Enter the user’s Email Address. Required to automatically send an email message with doc-link login information to the user. If LDAP is used, the email address will auto-fill based on the user's email address in Active Directory. If no email is found, doc-link will enter a default value in the format of login@domain.com.
    2. Enter the user’s Phone Number (optional).
    3. Enter any relevant Comments about the user.
    4. Click Next to continue.

Create a New User

Step 2: Assign Roles