Side-by-Side Integration

Side-by-Side Integration is a way of automating the manual index process in doc-link by creating a single data-entry point from your ERP system. All ERP baseline field names for each integrated screen have been pre-loaded into the database. Baseline is a term used to describe doc-link integrations that are configured for 'out of the box' business applications. Using the doc-link Integration UI, Administrators can quickly and accurately manage required screens and field mappings.

Before configuring an integration make sure you have completed these basic configuration tasks:

  1. doc-link document types and properties have been configured.
  2. Top-level folders have been defined.
  3. Users and roles are configured.
  4. doc-link Workflow is configured.

Each integration requires different implementation steps and has specific requirements that must be met to work properly. Screen and field mapping is just a part of the required configuration. Be sure to read the sections in doc-link Online Help that discuss specific requirements for each of the individual business applications.

Integrations... will not be visible from the Manage menu unless the corresponding product key is enabled. Contact Technical Support for assistance if changes need to be made to your integration.

If your application screens contain customizations contact Technical Support. Customizations can include any changes in field names, processing logic, user or use of third party applications.

Mapping Screens and Fields