NetsatisFAXtion 7.5 – 8.7

  1. Requires fax client installed on same machine as the Output Manager service.
  2. Apply NetsatisFAXtion 7.5 hotfix (if applicable) - this hotfix is included on the doc-link Installation CD and is located in a folder called NetSatisFAXtion7.5. Instruction on how to install this fix are also located in this folder.
  3. Fax Server Name - enter the fax server name exactly as it is displayed in the NetsatisFAXtion title bar when you open the NetsatisFAXtion application on the server. Typically in the format of \\NETSATISFAXTION\<SERVERNAME> (name is case sensitive).
  4. Fax Login ID - NetsatisFAXtion login account doc-link will use to send faxes. You can use the NetsatisFAXtion default 'Supervisor' login created at installation, or if another login is used, make sure this user is part of the NetsatisFAXtion 'Supervisor' group.
  5. Password - enter the password associated with the NetsatisFAXtion login ID entered above.

(For version 8.7 only) A file called casx.dll is required on the fax server and can be installed by browsing to and downloading the executable ‘CAS ActiveX.exe’. Running this on the fax server will install the correct .dll file.