By default the setup installs the web components in the <x>:\Program Files (x86)\Altec\doc-link3x\Web folder. Within this folder are two additional folders:
DLRemote - Contains the web pages used as an entry point to doc-link Smart Client, to collect user account information, and to provide links to download the bootstrapper setup. It also contains an AppLauncher folder which houses the bootstrapper setup, and a ClientDownload folder which houses the components delivered to the client machines. Four specific files in the DLRemote folder control configuration of the server installation: Session.xml, manifest.xml, web.config, and AppLauncher\RemoteLauncherWebStub.exe.config.
Everything mentioned above other than the email settings in the web.config can be configured with the Web Manifest Utility (Altec.ManifestUtility.exe). Click the Web Manifest Utility below for more information.
Email settings in web.config can be configured from the System Settings tile on the Administration tab. Select System Settings... > Access to configure email and Smart Client URL information.
DLRemoteServer - Contains a web.config file that configures the .NET remoting that allows the client to make calls to the server, and a bin directory that contains the remote components used to provide services to the client. It is these components that make connections to the doc-link database and retrieve images from the image store, as well as cache product licensing information, and chunk image data.