Field Definitions

Source Image Folder

This folder is monitored for new images. When a single-page or multi-page image arrives, the image is de-collated and the individual pages are moved either to the Destination Image Folder. Only images with an extension of .TIFF are processed.

Destination Image Folder

Decollated images are placed in this directory.

Error Image Folder

Any image that cannot be processed is moved to this directory.

Archive Image folder

The original images are archived to this folder if the Delete Original Image After Successful Processing option is not checked. If the field is checked, images are deleted after they are decollated.


Modules responsible for configuration and setup of the doc-link system.

Anytime you wish to view the detailed Decollator log file, press the View Log File button.

If you would like log files created every day, week, or month, choose the appropriate button.  Choosing None of the Above indicates all log entries will be stored in a single log file. Logs are stored in the Log sub-directory where Decollator is installed. 

Running the Decollator Service