Edit a User Account

  1. Open the appropriate User window.
  2. Select the appropriate user and double-click. The User Properties window opens.


  1. On the General tab, if necessary, edit the Full Name and/or Description of the user.
  2. Do not select the Account Disabled check box unless you want to stop the user from utilizing doc-link.
  3. The Use LDAP Authentication checkbox will automatically enable if you have configured this user to use LDAP authentication. If checked, the user will use Windows authentication when logging into doc-link and password changes will be enforce based on Active Directory policy settings.
    1. If the user account is deleted from Active Directory, the corresponding doc-link account becomes disabled.
    2. If you wish to disable LDAP authentication, you must remove the user from the sync list displayed on the System Settings > LDAP Configuration screen. The user's doc-link account will be disabled. To re-enable, uncheck the Account Disabled checkbox and reset the user's password.
  4. Click Reset Password to display the Change Password dialog.
    1. Enter the new Password.
    2. To Confirm Password, enter it a second time.
    3. Click OK.
  5. Click the Details tab to continue. The Details tab displays additional information regarding the user.


  1. Enter or change the user's email address.
  2. Enter or change a contact phone number.
  3. Enter any comments about the user.
  4. Click the Send to User button to automatically generate and send an email to the user containing their doc-link login credentials. The email text can be reviewed and edited from System Settings > Access > General.
  5. Click the Member Of tab to continue. This tab displays all roles to which this user is a member.

Member Of

  1. Check the box next to the role you wish to add the user to.
  2. To remove the user from a role, uncheck the corresponding box.
  3. Click the Document Access tab to continue.

Document Access

From here, an Administrator controls users’ access to documents based on pre-defined security filters. All doc-link inquiries will apply this filter and only return results that match. User can only access documents that are defined in his or her role membership and filtered based on the filtering rules listed in the grid.

  1. The Filter Property grid displays all filters configured for this user.
  2. Click Add to add an existing filter, Edit to modify the list of added filters, or Remove to remove the filter. Click New to create a brand new filter not already in the list. Click here for details on creating a new secure property filter.
  3. Click the Remote Profile tab to configure doc-link Smart Client access.

Remote Profile

  1. Check the Remote user checkbox to enable remote access to doc-link Remote.
  2. If the user is a business partner, check the External Business Partner Using Web Client Portal box.
  3. Enter the name of the user's Organization in the box provided. (Optional)
  4. Click the Extern App Ids tab. This tab is for configuring access to the ERP system utilizing web integration.

Extern AppIds

  1. Click Add to add the external application and the user's login id for that application.
  2. To remove a user's access, highlight a record in the grid and select Remove.
  3. Click OK to save changes and exit User Properties.

Delete a User Account