Distribution Stamp Properties – Stamp Options Tab


Stamp must balance – Checking this box forces the Distribution Stamp Smart Form to balance header and detail amounts before it is allowed to be stamped and imported.

Available only for documents in Workflow – Allows a Distribution Stamp Smart Form only to be available while in the Workflow.

Show warning when the stamp header fields don’t match the document property values - Provides a warning, on save, when a change is made on the ERP voucher entry screen after a distribution stamp imports to identify when values are updated in the voucher.  This is to offer a notice to the user that data from the voucher entry does not match the indexed value of the document in doc-link.

Burn In (Tiff only)

Font – Allows you to choose font style of the burned-in stamp.  Choose style from the drop-down menu.

Font Size – Allows you to choose font size of the burned-in stamp.  Adjust with buttons or type a numerical value.

Format – Allows you to choose the formatting style of numerical or date values.  Choose style from drop-down menu.  This setting can be overwritten by Save data in generic locale format from the smart form element Data Type Tab.

Show stamped page after stamping - Check this box to preview the Distribution Stamp Smart Form after it has been stamped to the image by the user.  Leaving it unchecked will keep the document image in the document viewer with no stamp preview.

Distribution Stamp Properties Plug-in

Distribution Stamp Properties – Attachments Tab