Create a New Property

  1. From the Administration tab, click on the Master Properties tile.
  2. Click the Add button or press [Shift] + [Alt] + A on your keyboard. The Property Edit window will be displayed.
General Tab
  1. Enter a Name for the property. The name should be concise yet adequately identify the property. Note that this property may be associated with multiple document types.
  2. Enter a short description in the Prompt field that will be used to describe the property. The prompt is displayed in DocLink where space is limited on the screen.
  3. Select the property Type from the drop-down list.

    Valid property types include:

    1. Number - Whole numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.)
    2. Date/Time - The date and time is formatted according to the systems local date/time.
    3. True/False - Boolean value (yes/no)
    4. Formatted Number - Numbers with decimals; typically used for currencies (1.00, 10.00, 1.0000, etc.). Selection of this type enables the Number of digits after decimal setting. Modify this if necessary.
    5. Text (default property type) - Can be used for properties with text and numeric characters (e.g., invoice number or purchase order).

    **Once a property has been saved you can no longer modify the data type.

  4. The Code field is designed for side-by-side ERP integrations and the email import feature of Import Manager. Once a value is entered here, it should not be changed. If you do not know what code to enter, leave this field blank.
  5. The Edit Width option box determines the actual width of the textbox for the property.
  6. If a lookup is needed for the property, proceed to the Lookup tab for configuration. Otherwise, click OK to save and close the window.
Lookup Tab

Lookups are used to standardize indexed values and to create an easy, efficient way for users to index properties. For properties with valid lookups, users who index no longer need to type in values. They will simply be able to select them from pre-populated lists.

  1. Check the Has Lookup box to enable the lookup for this property.
  2. The Lookup drop-down shows the list of lookups from the Lookup Manager. Click on the ellipses button to open Lookup Manager.
  3. The Field Name box is a string value with an exact matching string needed for each individual lookup value (see Lookups & Defaults Configuration Guide for field names relating to specific ERP systems).
  4. The Addition Filtering option uses SQL scripting and is for sub-filtering the property based on another property (e.g., vendor # can be filtered by specific company).
  5. The Validate user entered data with lookup checkbox is used when a user types in data into the input box instead of using the lookup buttons. Enabling this tells DocLink to compare the user’s input with the data from the lookup to ensure its validity.
  6. The Drop Down List option button will show a drop down button next to the lookup field. This is good for lists with a small number of entries (e.g., currencies).
  7. The Popup List option button disables the drop down list and allows the use of one or both options below. This is better used with properties with many items (e.g., Vendors).
    1. The Show Popup Button check box will show a button next to the property value input text box.
    2. The Use HotKey check box enables the use of the HotKey configured in the Lookup Manager.
  8. When you are done, click OK to save the changes and exit the window.


Edit a Property

Copy a Property

Delete a Property