
doc-link has the capability to read and index scanned or faxed TIFF images based on information contained in a barcode. A barcode is printed code containing a series of vertical lines of different widths that translate into numerical values. Used to automatically identify retail products, types of documents, etc., barcode information is created and read using special scanners and software. doc-link Barcode can read barcode information and automatically index images into your database by the specific document type and/or index properties.

In doc-link, the ability to capture and index document properties with a barcode is done with two specific components. The Barcode Administrator, where existing doc-link document types are configured for barcode processing, and the doc-link Barcode Service, the NT service that automatically polls an input source for new barcode documents to process.

Currently, Barcode runs as a separate executable (exe).

Barcode is automatically initiated when the barcode service detects new image files in a designated input source. When new images are detected, Barcode attempts to:

  1. Recognize the document type of each image.
  2. Read all barcodezones.
  3. Determine if the document is single or multi-page.
  4. If it is multi-page, determine if the image should be appended to the end of an existing document or inserted as a specific page within a document.
  5. Index the image into doc-link.
  6. Any images Barcode has failed to recognize are indexed as a 'Rejected Barcode Document' document type. You can later search for these documents to index them manually.
  7. Any images that Barcode recognizes, but experience errors, are indexed into doc-link but with a 'Barcode Failed' property flag set to true. You can later search for these documents to re-index them manually.
  8. If Barcode is processing a multi-page document where page numbers are contained within a barcode and a pagination error occurs, Barcode indexes the document into doc-link but with a 'Barcode Pagination Failed' property flag set to true. You can later search for these documents to reorder the pages manually.

To successfully process TIFF images, Barcode must be properly configured and the service enabled.

You must be a member of the Administrator role to open the Barcode Administrator.

Supported Barcode Types